After a long cold winter, the first hints of spring are joyfully welcome. And never more so this spring.
Spring is a time for growth, renewal, change. It is transformative and inspiring. After the hibernation of winter, preparing you for the spring energy, embrace this growth, step out of your comfort zone and enjoy the opportunity to make changes.
Look to nature for inspiration; spend a few minutes outside in the sun each day, taking in its healing energy. Take time to notice the constant changes and growth all around you. Nature joyfully lets go of the old to bloom anew, it doesn’t feel sorry for itself, or judge itself, it just gets on with it.
Here are some great practices for with with spring energy
Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutations) is the ultimate spring practice, awaking the body and opening the mind.
Work with deep inhalations, long exhalations and graceful transitions.
Incorporate some standing strength postures such as Virabhadrasana (Warrior) I and II, and Utkatasana (Chair pose) into the sequence. Marjariasana (Cat/Cow), Jathara Parvritti (lying spinal twist), and gentle back bends such as Bhujangasasa (Cobra), Salabhasana (Locust) and Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) are also great practices for spring, there last three are all gentle back bends that can help open the heart and lungs.
The tricky spring winds can sometimes play havoc with our balance, both body and mind, so throw in a balancing posture such as Vrksasana (Tree) and a Pranayama such as Bhramari (Humming Bee breathing) which is great for the sinuses and all the sinus issues spring can bring.
Take spring’s lead: grow, change and become the person you know you can be.
With love,